If you have any questions relating to our replacement roofs, you may find the answer you need below.
Should I buy a glass or tiled roof?

We wouldn’t like to say until we know how the room will be used, what its positioning is and how much you’re willing to spend. Thanks to the development of solar control glazing, you can anticipate lots of natural light inside and an idyllic garden view. Other glazing options are available at Trent Valley too, which will keep your conservatory well-insulated.

A solid tiled roof will be in the running if you’re after an extension that promises year-round useability, especially as you can have full length glass panels or Velux windows added to the system. This will result in a roof that’s a mix of a solid and glass roof.

Inform an advisor of your requirements and they will suggest a solution that meets them.

Replacement Tiled Roof Conservatory
Would it be worth having the frames replaced?

It would seem to make sense to have new energy efficient window frames fitted to complement your new energy efficient roof. This would avoid the chances of draughty frames nullifying the high-quality insulation offered by the roof.

A new roof, combined with new windows, will bring the best out of your conservatory again and restore your love for the space. We will provide them as a package and give you a fantastic deal for what will be a perfect pairing.

Replacement Tiled Roof Conservatory


Our advisors are passionate about home improvements and helping people get what they want. Don’t be afraid to ask them any questions. These are some common questions they receive.

What are your tiled roofs made of?

We should firstly tell you that most of our replacement solid roof system is prefabricated to expedite the installation time and minimise the time we need to spend at your home fitting it. We’ll carefully measure up beforehand so that it slots in neatly.

The composition of a solid roof consists of a pre-engineered lightweight frame, insulating panels, insulated fire-grade plasterboard, exterior grade plywood and impenetrable membrane. You will be given a choice of tiles or slates, both of which have an uncanny likeness to genuine tiles and slates.

What is a Clad over roof?

Weight: Your existing frames may not be able to cope with a clad over solution as it uses heavy timber, insulation materials and tiles. Something lightweight is needed and the lightest solid roof systems only weigh around 31KG/M².

Tip: Always ask your installer for the total unit weight of the new roof per Sq.M

Fire Safety: Due to not being effectively fire tested as a complete roof structure, a ‘clad-over’ system does not comply with present fire safety regulations, which they need to in order to satisfy the relevant section of building regulations. It’s likely that only certain components have been adequately fire tested. Solid roofs must be classified as AC, AB, or AA in accordance with BS476-3.

Tip: Only commit to the project once you have been given sight of the fire safety certificate for the entire roof. 

Building Regulations: A further stumbling block with a clad over system is that it’s unlikely to receive Building Regulations Approval because of its poor thermal values and structural integrity. Planning permission is something entirely separate to this, so don’t confuse the two, with planning permission generally not needed. Your local Building Control will need to be informed of any modifications to a structure, such as when you are replacing a glass or polycarbonate roof with a roof, so that they can ratify the change of roof. 

Tip: Don’t commence with the conversion before you have told local Building Control of your plans. At its conclusion, you should be given a Building Regulations ‘Final’ Certificate for safe keeping. 

Once a new roof is in, will my conservatory still get too hot and too cold?

That’s exactly what a solid tiled roof is designed to solve so that you can step inside your conservatory in any weather and feel nothing but comfort. Conservatories with dated polycarbonate roofs feel more like greenhouses in summer, but it will never be like that in a solid roofed structure. Solar control glazing is a game-changer in many ways, but a tiled roof is the better option if you want a year-round space.

What is so significant about ‘A’ rated windows?

If it’s the most energy efficient windows that you want, ‘A’ rated windows are what you should be buying, defined as such by the BFRC Rating Scheme. All replacement windows solid in the UK are rated for their energy efficiency and it helps you to recognise if they meet building regulations.

The system used to rate the energy efficiency levels of windows is very similar to the system used for doing the same with white goods e.g., freezers, washing machines, fridges.

Knowing what the energy efficiency of a window is when you observe it on the shop floor or see it on our website, helps you to make an informed choice.

What will it cost to replace my current roof?

It can cost anything from £5,000 for a small conservatory roof and more like £12,000 upwards for a large conservatory roof.

How long will it take to fit the roof?

We should have it up and fitted in just a matter of days. So, there will be very little disruption caused by it.

Will I need to obtain planning permission to change my roof?

Although you won’t need planning permission for a roof replacement, Building Regulations Control is mandatory as you will need evidence of this when selling your property.

What about Building Regulations Approval, is that necessary?

Yes, as it will offer proof to others that your local authority is fully content that the roofing system has been rigorously inspected, fitted correctly, is structurally sound and energy efficient enough. It will also avoid any problems with selling the house as you will have evidence for buyers that the work done has been authorised.

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